Goddess of Hotness

i am not to look back at all

at the times i might of failed

looking forward when i am with out you

it seems i have entered hell

it is amazing the wounds

that a simple word can make

and how often that a personality

can easily be made into a fake

blinded am i of the game at hand

do i not see through the glass

am i bound to break my rules

and see my emotions torn at last

breathing and yearning for your sight

my mind is in nothing but knots

you have left me in no control

of my ever wrecking thoughts

my emotions are strong and unbreakable

but invisible to your very being

what is it you have done to me

how is it you make my wall start crumbling

As the story keeps unfolding

is it more then just a story

or has it become true reality

am i more then a simple boy

in dream land i can be anything

yet here i am as i am today

as real as a man can be

for i never want your truth to fade

I must not let this overcome me

I must hold on to everything

I have ever known to be true

I must not let this hotness overcome me

Like a rehearsing curse it poisons me

fills my heart with false reality

nothing said can be true inside the void

nothing will make me loose my sanity

but there she is the glowing jewel

of my ever dieing obsession

not willing am i to loose her sight

this at this moment is my mission

for she keeps my heart filled with passion

and never fades within my empty heart

as she breaks down my stone walls

i sit and wait if our time will ever start

She is my goddess she is my everything

she is my rock she is my hard place

she pierces my soul at the deepest ends

she makes my eyes bleed to see her face

She is my goddess of hotness

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Just another romantic poem dedicated to an un-named girl

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