You've seen the very best of my character, as you have also seen the worst. You've sat next to me while I wept, and you've followed my eyes through endless hurt. You held me up with your smile when I just felt like crumbling, you were my hopeless beautiful crutch whenever I started stumbling. You've taken my bitter and nasty words thrown at your face, and you took it in, never once losing your grace. You've seen me in my very lowest of times, but you ignored all the bad and read between the lines. You've also created the greatest pain that I've been through. I ran right through you not once considering who it would turn me into. You gave me agony, longing, confusion, and pain, endless self-doubt, anger, bitterness, and disdain. You crushed my spirit and destroyed my dreams, you tore my heart out and left my chest open at the seams. But perhaps, like usual, nothing is quite as it seems. Perhaps it was my timing in dreaming those dreams. Or perhaps it was necessary, just for a while, to helplessly sing your anthem. Perhaps, it helped to form and shape who and what we were supposed to become. One way or the other, you have an irreplaceable nook carved into my soul, that at times I have considered to be a dark empty hole. But whether you fill it with love or with lust or if you decide to let it fill on its own with dirt and with dust, it makes no difference at all to me. Whatever it is that we turn out to be, it will still just be me and you, and that's good enough for me. I do want to hold you, and make you my heart, but even without, I'd be a fool to say you played no large part in shaping me, in making me one, in bringing my life countless memories of fun, and of laughter spent by your side, bathing in a connection that could never possibly die. So it doesn't really matter, whatever we do, but It's pretty safe to say that I'm crazy 'bout you.