Hula Hoops and Alcohol

Hula hoops and alcohol,
apartment stoops and bedroom walls. 
That funny way you'd say my name,
and how you thought we'd never change. 
Or maybe I just thought we'd never change.

Your silhouette still hangs on memories past,
a shadow from miles away being brilliantly cast
by your form and your mind, your heart and your head,
your storm and your crimes, and the parts left unsaid.
Lines that we crossed, until it all fell apart,
So we cursed out loud as we ran back to the start!
Our story had ended before it had even began,
leaving us confused and unwilling, and unable to stand.
Or maybe I just couldn't stand.


Voices bounce off walls, music bounces off my soul.
Memories of dancing, drinking, and smoking bowls.
Wine nights, blunt rides, Guilty Cubicles and you.
Blurry stars in the sky, drugs altering my view.
You painted on my back, just to see what I'd do,
I screamed, "Paint me black!  I can't stand all these hues!
These colors, this wine, these dogs and your heart,
Paint me invisible if you can, so you wont see me part!"
You complied, and I disappeared in front of your eyes,
Or maybe you just disappeared in front of mine.


Hula hoops and alcohol,
moving trucks, and bedroom walls. 
That funny way you'd say my name,
and how you thought we could never change. 
But times HAVE changed, my heart's spread thin.
Now I wonder about where we could have been,
if my lips and brain spoke louder than my hips or heart,
or if somehow we had actually made it back to the start.
And not been so tangled up in all those silly things
like life, love, and beauty, and all they could bring.
But I do know that no matter how much time goes by,
You won't ever forget the times spent by my side.
And you'll always be there with an open hand to grip,
and with the other you'll be holding a blunt for us to hit.
or maybe I'll just smoke alone.


But I don't think I'll have to.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Written about a girl. Simple as that.

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