Measuring each groove
Against another,
We look at life
Through familiar
Cathedral windows
That arc their way
Through consciousness,
Unheeded of the etchings
…In a film…
Dust that settles
On the surface, replete
in its misgivings,
Will not alter;
Will cast a shadow
over time
In corners overlooked
by harried hands,
too eager in their swiping
to question
where there is beauty in sterility.
For all we know
Is a ticking
from a handsome face,
That never shirks
nor wavers in its duty,
To sound each deliberate bell
for continuity
…Which we accept…
With our senses fine-tuned
to utmost selectivity,
unaware and rendered specimens
Beneath a subtle, protective weave
Of our own making -
a breaking
Which, ultimately, leaves us dead.