The Big Baseball Game

“The Big Baseball Game”


It was a sunny day in Central Park, New York City. Birds flying, cars passing by, people walking, dogs barking and little kids playing. A lion and an elephant were hanging out playing baseball in the Central Park’s field, each of them had its own group of friends cheering for them. The giraffe and the zebra are on the elephant’s team, wearing yellow uniform and the monkey and the hippo are on the lion’s team, wearing green uniform. The eagle was the referee, dressed in black and white.


Home run for the green team! The eagle said.

The cheerleader chipmunk team came up dancing and singing its routine.


“Give me G give me an R give me an E give me an E give me an N! What does it say? Green!!!”

The game went on, there were outs, home runs, balls, hits and strikes. It was a really close and exciting game for everyone to watch.

Now it’s the giraffe’s turn to hit the ball. The pitcher by mistake, threw the ball into the giraffe’s neck and injured her.


“Ouch! Ouch! My neck!! Please somebody help.” The giraffe cried.

The little penguin ambulance team arrives to the field and carries the giraffe to the doctor.


“I can’t play anymore, does anyone wants to take my place?” The giraffe asked to the crowd.


“Me! I’ll take your place” The bear said.

The bear walked to the dugout and took the giraffe’s yellow uniform.


“Hi I’m Bear, I love playing baseball, I’ve won tons of championships, I will help you win. I’ll be the best player of this team, I can assure.” The bear said.

Everyone in the yellow team screamed “Yay! Go Bear!” The elephant, as he is the captain, started to feel jealousy.


 “The game is on again! Its bear’s turn to hit the ball. The eagle said.

As the bear played, the elephant looked at him with angriness and distrust. Zebra starts noticing how the elephant was getting angrier each time bear he saw bear play.


“It’s okay, you are also a great player, we won’t replace you with him.” The zebra said.


“It’s not that, I just have a bad feeling about him.” The elephant said.


“He is just trying to help our team win, seriously don’t make a big deal about this please.” The zebra said.


“You’ll see…” The elephant said.

Without no one noticing, Elephant placed some oil into the next base bear was going to arrive. The bear continued playing and when he got to the fourth base he slipped and fell down. Zebra ran into the field to get some help, suddenly he realized everyone was murmuring around Bear. On the spur of the moment, aliens arrived in a luxurious plane-jet, they walked into bear and took off his costume, Bear wasn’t really a bear, he was an alien wearing a costume.


“WHAT!!!” Everyone said with a surprised voice.


“We’ve been searching for this creature for a long time, everyone on Earth will be punished for not telling that ALIEN #223 was living on this strange world” Alien #1 said with a strange voice.


“Avada Kedavra, Expecto Patronum, Imperio, make this planet go to death and never come back to life!” Alien #5 said.

BOOM! The Earth exploded, the last thing that was heard that day was a crying of a baby… And that’s how the life in planet Earth got over.



The moral of the story is: don’t judge people by their appearance, looks, or sayings, you don’t know who they really are. Be careful with your actions, think about the consequences before you do them! 

Cordelia Bremer A01192901


Oscar Villarreal A01232216

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