I could try to fix my mouth
But the way I've been treated
My jaws all wired up
And I'm trapped in this barbed wire
I'm over my head
But I'm past it now
Cry or faint when I see the red
But i did this
I put myself behind bars
I made the decision
To break out
Acne in my psyche
I need to just pop the question
And kneel to the ground
To accept the fact
The nothing is real
But if I say yes
Will i be happy with this choice forever?
I'm not one to go back on my word
But it's a lot easier when it's spoken
On paper it's almost set in stone.
But forever?
Everything is subject to
And there's always room for
But i wear tight pants
So when I'm digging through the denim
It'll be harder for me to go through it.