I Still Love You


I know you always wonder,
If I ever really loved you.
What other reason could there be,
For me to rip your heart in two?

You don't believe me when I say,
I will forever and always love you.
I know it's hard when you're hurting so bad,
We just have to try and get through.

For I'm hurting too,
More than you know.
I try to keep it locked inside,
Sometimes it just spills out though.

Everytime I see you,
My heart aches more and more.
I have a wall around my heart,
But you have the key to the door.

It hurts not to be with you,
I just have to let it out.
So I cut myself until I bleed,
And I finally have to shout.

So there it is,
The cold hard truth.
But still that January first,
Is the day I will never rue.

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