My lord in heaven I need you right now,
Because you are worthy
When i'm at the bottom looking at a speck of light
You heard me
In a boundless wilderness where screaming is in vain
I've learned to let go of that pride, and shout out your name
I need you lord, your beacon guides me home
I need you lord because I can't do this alone
I roam I stray and wander, grew up a prolific pariah
Those gifts meant nothing until I personally met the messiah
As a child talking to a comforting imaginary ghost
It's amazing that an 8 Year old would name it H.O.S.T
I need you right now lord through the good and a bad
I need you as a steady father and not traditional fad
When days are sad in my home your presence abides
My God is mighty, he tells the clouds to step aside
I can be carnally broke, sometimes I really do try
Yesterday you gave heaven to my eyes,offered cloud kingdoms in the sky
Made me think how small my troubles was next to that awe
It made me think needing you is want your here for
Yeah I need you because my bills are late,I panic sometimes
When will I realize you supply my needs ALL the time
Just when I need a breakthrough, you always provide
Help me to stop driving, and enjoy the ride
I need you right now lord and not yesterday
I don't need you part time, I need a full time stay
In this world I can't imagine making it without your grace
Your love for us will transcend this fragile place
Only you can really fix the valves when a heart truly aches
I have a bond with you that nothing in this world can separate
Jesus I give you a wave, my lord to you I bow
I need you my lord, I need you right now.