What is Important


I want to cut this life out,

like I did once before.

I felt alive,

wealth was last on my mind.

What was important,

was just to be me.

No thoughts could take me away,

my soul was set free!

Now I'm back in place,

with a load of stress,

that destroyed who I was!

It made me angry,

I cried to myself inside.

Now I'm sick of this life,

and I think I miss wanting to die.

At least I looked forward,

to a whole new life,

but maybe it wasn't the right time.

So I suffered with this,

and tried to make things alright.

I lost it again,

I want to hide...

I realized this last night.

What's holding on to me?

It must be fear,

keeping me back,

from all that belongs to me,

and what we need to be a family!

Why can't they wake up,

to see,

life can be fine,

but we won't let it be!

There's not enough chances,

not enough time,

to be ourselves!

I've tried to be perfect...

I'm not a superstar!

I can only sing to you,

a song I wrote,

and play my own guitar!

Can there be a way,

to find inner peace,

left in my soul..?..?

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