~Life of Friends & Family~


I have so much to say

but there's never enough time

goodtimes fade away

but yet I'm satisfied

Although I'm not who I was

I'm still me inside

Life's shallow river changed me

now there's nothing left to hide

I'm a beautiful person

and so are you

no one in particular...

whoever I am speaking too

I never new before

what anyone tried to say

I've seen it... done it

it came my way

Family fights

and lonely nights

was a great way

to waste the best days of your life

No one ever put out an ear

to listen to someones's cry

or hear what hurts them deep...

there's always a reason why

Friends who danced in a free paradise

are ones who leave too fast

it's they who have a purpose

they make your life a blast

When the day comes

and you have to say goodbye

it's when u really have to

cause it's only when they die

All these mementos

write tyed words to my heart

It all makes us one...

We'll never be apart

Author's Notes/Comments: 

These are some things put together on my mind to write.
I feel that if someone goes through these things, they're truly blessed , because they made it through!!


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