Life's Game


This world lives a lie,

it makes me want to die!

Living life so hard,

makes me wonder if it's all worth it,

and all's I do is sit here,

and fill out another empty card!

Sometimes it never succeeds,

because I don't have a single $ bill,

to fill this governments needs!

The phone keeps ringing,

the voice asks me if I want to publish a book,

like they really even care that I'm broke,

and I wish I could take a 2nd look!

Everyday follows the same game,

it nevers ends,

untill truth comes out,

then sound of silence will remain!

Today a realization...

we're all the same.

Everybody has their faults,

and is in this little game!

We are one,

like it's always been.

We stand here and laugh,

about everyone's sin!

Judging poeple is something just as bad,

because we're all the same,

but rare we give up,

until we finished our life game...

*There's only one winner!*

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