
Faith & Freedom

I feel so broken

a part of me was lost.

You're silent words kill me,

as I try to pay the cost.

Sitting and thinking,

and drowning in fear...

What on earth will destroy next year!

What I say,

I never do mean,

it comes from hate,

that's never been seen.

Driving down the road,

as I steady my wheel,

a sick cycle load over me,

is all I can feel.

My best friend...

soulmate in metal,

is she here today?

When will everything settle!

Past memories break my heart.

I want them back so bad,

but it's been torn apart!

Days of sitting,

talking in my room,

singing and dancing,

and waiting for the moon.

When time was up,

it was time to chill

to help all we could,

as time stood still.

Just us together,

with all that we need.

It was 2am...

happy indeed!!

There's too much pain inside my body,

that can't be ripped out.

Time has to heal me,

as I try not to run about.

I'll be so much more careful,

like I should've been all along.

Hey, my excited faith went too far,

my obsene train of thinking...

yes, did tell me I was wrong!

I would give or do anything right now,

to go back in time,

so no one could say I was such a good girl,

or pin those words in my little head,

as their wishful, ingraved "A N G E L" sign!!

How many times do I have to say,

that I make mistakes too,

and this means I'm just a usual teen,

and have desires just like you!

Author's Notes/Comments: 


This I wrote dedicated a little bit to everyone!

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