*Changing Lights*


Once so young and innocent,

so sweet and profound.

A touch of light upon her face,

inside her heart frowns.

To give her life,

was only one chance.

Fear in her lost mind,

when Daddy glanced.

So much ahead,

for a young,

pleasant soul.

Dying to live,

but she's in a dark hole.

She carries on alone,

and lonliness haunts her head.

No one can see through,

it's like she was...

D E A D!

Life wanting to come out,

happiness waiting to shout,

love waiting to flow,

peace hoping to show!

Everything changed,

as new light appeared,

why couldn't she see it sooner,

because it was more pain that she feared!

To a year of darkness,

alone in a cold room.

Wanting no one around,

to be trapped in her sickness that brought gloom!

To a room of people,

who saved her life next year,

pressed faith in her soul,

and a glow started to appear.

Everything she hoped for,

it all seemed true.

There was something she hid for so long,

and it jumped back out of the blue.

For a person who had no one,

has so many by her side.

Out in the open surface,

she no longer can hide!

Many people,

hurt everyday.

That's why we're here for eachother,

to make it an easier way.

Flashes of the past still haunt this child,

they hold her up now,

and keep her life wild.

She'll never let herself go back,

this is a new faze now,

time to live,

time to know how!

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This is how I see my life as a child, and how I see it now...
even w/ my parents being sick, I have neverending faith! <3

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