(20) 1/22/87 Yes, Sometimes

Sometimes I need a friend

It's comforting you're there

Still missing me, still loving me

Knowing that you care

Sometimes I think of everything

the good times and the bad

the times we'd laughed, the times we'd cried

and the sometimes we'd been mad

Sometimes it's just a song you'd like

Sometimes it's when a shoe's too tight

I stop, and wonder

Just what category we come under

It's true I like to look out windows

Lately, there's not that much to view

Maybe I just do it to help me remember

all I used to have with you

Sometimes it's just a song you'd like

Sometimes it's when a shoe's too tight

I stop, and wonder

Just what category we come under

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I'd have to say that loneliness is the prime reason I write poems.   This particular day I wrote about Kon and me.  We'd broken up due to his abusive nature.  He'd left bruises on me.  Still, I clung to him.  I kept coming in and out of his life, hoping that somehow we'd work things out.  Yet, at the time, away from him, I kept searching for someone else to love instead knowing he was no good for me.  I kept searching for someone I could love as deeply as I placed my hopes in him.

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