(18) 2/28/85 The Sea of Sad Tears

Another tightly corked bottle a-floatin'

Set adrift by a pair of black gloved hands

Lost in that old sea of Sad Tears

Bobbing amongst the more rusted of cans

A certain sadness

leaves me weak and pale

I can only sit and wonder

just where it is people fail

Who will find this bottle

Uncork the secrets trapped inside

Will he even reveal himself

or just escape into the tide?

Life is filled with bottles

left to drift away

No one sharing his feelings

he doesn't think he may

It's time to loosen up your cork

allow the flow of your goodness out

look closely at what your bare hands do

then free yourself from fear and doubt

You don't have to be a bottle

live in fear that you might break

There are others out there, just like you

but they chose to live life, for its sake

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote other poems but I destroyed them.  I wrote them for Kon.  I wrote song lyrics.  I practiced my singing and recorded myself.  I made a tape for Kon and it sat on the fireplace mantel for months.  He never listened to it.  I wrote this poem wondering why he wasn't connected to me.  Why did life revolve around his friends and his dreams?  If only he'd open up, maybe then, I could too.

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