(05) 5/30/82 How is It I Feel Now?

My mind's a whirl

I'm so confused

How is it I feel now?

I really must confront myself

For I can't sleep at all

Is it I'm unhappy, angry, or just empty

I feel so much that it's hard to say

Yet, I think it's none of those

I feel so very restless and a little anxious

Have you felt this way?

Why would I be anxious?

There has to be a reason

I just make myself sick with wonder

Why can't I ever give things time?

Then I might not insist upon an answer

Why do I lack the patience?

Allowing no time to let things work out themselves

I should just enjoy my life

Living one day at a time

Without wondering what will happen next

Life needs to run its own course

I seem to fear things that will never happen

I'm not so impatient with others, mostly just myself

It's a wonder I can breathe at all

Because I smother myself with all these problems

There are times in chaos I feel less anxious

but I'm replacing it momentarily with fear

I am so confused as to what I want

That I'm too restless to find out

I think I know one day, and doubt it's true the next

What is it that I really want?

I wish I could really know

My mind's made up and then it changes

I want to do things right

but I don't give myself the time

There are times I even lie to myself

And I think I know it all

Instead of admitting that I don't

It only comes out later

That I'm just denying weaknesses

Sometimes it's hard that I'm not perfect

I should give myself more patience

I have to learn to relax more about my life

Allow myself to make mistakes

and appreciate my good qualities

How is it I feel now?

After confronting myself

I feel slightly wiser

Yet, even more confused

For now I worry that I'll be anxious in the future.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I often wrote letters to people I never sent.  I wrote to understand my feelings.  I wrote to give myself some kind of closure.  I wrote this poem to Tom asking how he felt.  I couldn't ask him in real life, because he no longer took my calls at work.  I also wrote to me.  I was the only one really reading it.

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