Love letters to yourself

Open mouth spilling out the latest news

of current on-goings and the goings-on of the youth

simple words from a no name heart

thrown into miscalculated starts

and the hope that blooms is dieing at the root

Theres a  big strong man with blistered calused hands

his voice is crying in the gutter with the dirt and sand

he sits alone in discontent

this time could've been better spent

he's a no name faceless stranger in his homeland

Theres an upstairs party no one attends

filter through the homeless and the fair-weather friends

butts and bottles swell the floor

but dont open upstairs doors

so make a phonecall to a stranger for a shoulder to lend

Gamble for religion, Mama's old time hymns

hanging photos from the rafters and the oak tree limbs

pretend to be someone else

and write love letters to yourself

but always keep your gutters clean and your hedges trim

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