Troubled day on Monument Circle
Just pulled into town an hour ago
Snows been falling all day long
and I'm stuck in Indi with no place to go
Stopped in Cincinnatti for a short while
hoping to see some old friends of mine
but it seems those days are forgotten
"my friend, that was a different time"
So help me,God, I'm listening
and all i hear is heavy rain falling
and if i dont hear a lovely voice soon
i'll start hear the bottle calling
Memphis is too far away
and Paducah would take a full day's ride
Everyone I know is south of here
from this lonely hotel in which i reside
Louiseville, I'll take that trip
come Thursday, look up some names that i recall
and if they too have disappeared
then i guess that would just beat all
Cause this is the coldest December
i think i've ever had to face
as i drive back down to Lexington
to sit down in this lonely lonely place