Not the Dream.


i've walked around, wounded by the thoughts in my head

consisting of you,



because i can't understand how good intentions of truth

can just be set, free

left alone,

better that,

than where these steps lead, but i too can turn myself

inward and selfishly avoid feeling

the emptiness,

that loving you,

has left me with, in such a void of contempt for myself

and what our time spent

added up to,

what it all meant,

and how you've discarded me, coupled with how things feel

as if they've changed


consumed by,

the fear that you'll look back and see what this has turned into,

not the dream

but the regret,

the tragedy.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

It's a strange thing to put into words, the feeling behind not the dream, the trouble of realizing, I never was, strange indeed.

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