{non point}

Shadow Variations.

the past,

symbolic of a graveyard of life,

metaphors, are a category of definition


by my abstract train

of thinking.

words represent

a talented ability to connect,

with myself, then express what is felt

in a way that demands,

some recognition

[for it's specifics.]

the way i tell my visions.

{spilled forth,

from a cup overflowed

where intuition seems to know

of the color, shape and shadow.

i am a silver lined cloud

or a falling star

for you to wish upon}

you touch, what only heart


what living means

to seek, and obtain,

of knowledge deeper,

than self and soul

it's hardly, a whisper.

[i long to know]

these fragments lay

shining, collected, retrieved, re-pieced

to manipulate the eye

and show the beauty of belief,




your eyes mean to read

what my lips dare to breath,

i reattach the heart and string,

and reuse the memory,

it burns.


faintly, i

i....forgot where i was going.

[point made]        

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