A Felling Deep Inside

Even when I try so hard to keep a straight face

I still feel like,

Like I'm walking on egg shells

Trying to act like everything is normal

When really

It's not!

In reality 

Things are falling apart

Crashing down all around me

Hurting the one's I care most about

Tearing us apart

Even though I try so hard to keep things together

Us together


I can't do it on my own anymore

I just can't because I'm dying inside

Crying on the out.

So some nights I stay up late

Wondering what’s going to happen next

Unable to sleep with the unknown hovering over me

Afraid of it, terrified at that!

So still I try to act like things are normal

Even though I know

Deep down inside that things are falling apart

Were all growing farther and farther apart

Unable to patch things back together

Make things like they use to be

Suppose to be

But just maybe

This family

This love

This friendship

Was never meant to be

To happen


I have to try to let go 

Even thought I can't

But deep inside I know its best

Best just to let go and move on

Picking up the pieces that I can

Patch things up the best I can

And start over 

Over without you!!

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This poem was writen on November 3, 2010

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