
The world once so kind turns so cold

When your small your dont see the world for what it really is,

You have no worries of your own because you have people who love and care for you,

As you grow older,

Start school,

Your eyes start to open how just how cold the world is,

You get your first school bully,

They turn everyone agenst you just to make them look better,

You start to fell all alone in the world,

But at home your fine because your family loves you still,

But as you grow more,

Change to who you are going to be,

Your family changes also,

They start to hate you becasue your you and not them,

Your siblings and you fight,

You have no real friends at school,

And no real family,

As get older and graduat heigh school you move out,

Your parents split,

You go to live with your father,

Them with your mother,

The family is split down the middle,

There is hate and anger everywhere you go now,

Your only "friends" are the one you have never meet,

They seam to understand you more,

Love you more,

Care about you more,

The only family you have now is your father and the online friends,

You shild yourself from everyone,

Hide away all the time,

People say your "sick",

When really your just trying to get by with out many people in your life,

You look out the window,

You see happy couples,

Loving friends and siblings,

You look back on your life and you cry,

Cry because you miss that,

Miss how it was and hate how it is,

But only thing that changed is you grew up,

Your no longer a little girl but a grown women,

So you choose to keep moving fowared even if your just about all alone in the world,

But your not,

The ones who love you and care about you are still by your side,

Or will find you latter on and join your cheer team,

Life has its up and downs,

Your jsut have to ride them out.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Written Just now just to get some feelings and thoughs out.

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