A Change In Heart

The tears I shead are not tears of joy
Oh no but tears of sorrow and hate
The tears I once ahead for joy
Well they are long gone
So far gone I don't think I'll ever shead them again
Why you ask
Well when you have been bullied
Lied to
Tour down
In any way shap or form
Each time it happens a part of you dies
When that part dies it's replaced with hate and anger
Regret of what happend because it was your fult
Even if it was not you always blame yourself
Because the person who did it blames it on you
It even hurts a lot more when it's someone you love and trust
So when all the happiness that is taken you only feel sorrow and hate
And when that happens
It's hard to love or trust again

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Witten in on 12/23/14

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