The Driver Seat Reflection

Slowly in the night, we reflect on windows’ reflections

When pure-being is no way to be pure

When loneliness is the test of falling deep

And point-eight can only be considered redemption

….for  what? Well sometimes the blue moon just isn’t enough

Should we keep going? Sure, but what’s the point?

This spot’s as good as any and it’s already dark, and what’s left to be found?

Find ourselves? No. Find myself

‘Cause talking in plural only prolongs the battle

But it sure is a comfortable place isn’t it

Isn’t it? Isn’t what? What is it exactly that I need so badly?

Three more years, a degree, a job that isn’t colored in with a ‘poor-baby-pay,

but watch what this kid will do for an extra ten dollars a day’ mark-‘er  and shade me in,

What is that anyway, one .twenty-five more an hour;

-- A trip to taco-bell, a pack of stoges, and an extra thirty-three more twenty-fours,  

As if those bottles were made for this one piss-a-beer kinda ‘bladder

Shh Shh -- put it away – oh fucking a’

and then it comes

Tic-tock knocks from the indulging cop questioning

“What’s…what’s that smell?”

With his words on repeat it’s clear that I’m not the only one missing sleep

“Believe me officer; a warning is completely fine with me”

(But why’d you have to take my piece)

‘Cause sometimes a piece is more than just a piece

But memories of friendship and the simplicity of good music mixed with great conversation;

and yeah, sometimes just me ..thinking

But honestly if it’s all just youthfulness anyway

Then who gives a shit, ‘cause it’s all just a fad in the end

And when it ends, you can wake me up

‘Cause five a.m. tells me it’s already the new day

And if I have to sleep this off tomorrow then so be it.

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