On this road, I did not want to go.
I did not like how this decided to unfold.
Debt city, was not where I wanted to go.
She took me credit card gold; she really hit me hard.
I should have said no.
She went on a vacation trip; it felt like a hit on the lip.
I did'nt like the sensation.
She took all my cash; my head, felt like it was bashed and mashed.
All my money honey, all my cash was gone in a flash.
No, this was not funny.
I should have said no.
The very high bills were not a thrill.
I looked at the digits; there were five.
I no longer felt alive; or that I was going to trive.
I should have said no.
She's going to eat me out of house and home,
and then leave me all alone.
I am going to have to take a loan.
I feel cold to the bone.
She bought a Mercedes car; she can me, cruise right back, into debt hole, I am going far and fast.
Oh, I should have said no.
Yeah, I should have said no.