1. Where do cows want to go in the universe? The moo-n.
2. What do cows do for entertainment? They go to moo-vies.
3. What did the cow say to the other cow that was blocking the street? Moo-ve it.
4. What did the cow call the first thing she was milked?
A moo-ving experience.
5. If a cow seems to be upset at other cows, what is it called? A moo-d.
6. What do you call a cow who is scared of everythhing?
A cow-ard.
7. What is a cow's favorite body part? a calf.
8. Why did the cow tell the joke for a long, long, lime time?
She wanted to MILK it for all that it is worth.
9. Why did the cow attend the meeting?
He had a steak in the outcome of the project?
10. What do you call it when two cows get into a disagreement or a fight?
A beef.
11. What did one cow say to the other cow to calm him down?
Don't have a cow.