So, I want to know

               Oh, I want to know

         Can I oh can I come over and p-play play play today!


              You have a big screen TV

              several video game systems,

              and all of the best video games.

           You have a train set,

           a plane that is remote controlled.

           Several other remote controlled cars,

           a train that goes on a track around

           the room.

               So, I want to know

               Oh, I want to know

         Can I? Oh, can I come over and play play play today?

  You have a set of power wheel vehicles that go, go, go.

  A playground with a slide, swing, and a merry-go-round.

  A heated pool.


             So, I want to know

             Oh, I want to know

          Can I oh can I come over and play play play today

                   You have three cats.

                Several gerbils and hamsters.

                 A dog.

                 A big fish tank.


             So, I want to know.

             Oh, I just want to know

       Can I, oh can I, come over and play play play today?


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