

    Go weat, young man for fame and fortune,

    You don't want to be lame.

    If you stay at home, everything will be the same.

    Day after day after day.

    It will be the way.

    Go west for adventure.

    A land that is not tame.

    Family, friends, were sad.

    But, it was a dream of my.

    Here is where I would rather not lie

    A dream had for a traveling, adventuring, yearing, lad.

    A gift came, a journal from my dad.

    He knows I like to write.

    At night, looking out.

    At night, looking all about.

    Yeah, he said, I may have some fright,

    But, he said, it will be a great sight.


    There is gold out west.

    That is the story that could unfold.

    That is the vision foretold.

        A game played.

        To my family and friends, a promise made.

        A horizon that began to fade in the east.

        A promise of a great feast.  

      My head was in the clouds above.

      The clouds above the plains.

      I thought I was in love.

      Tears of pain, I cried.

      Tears of rain.

      The west was not fun.

      I decided I should run away.

      There, is where I should not stay.

      The things I was needing were costing money.

      The things I was needed were requiring constant feeding.

      It was worse than a garden weeding back home.

      Honey, you were really setting me bleeding.

      Across my path, came a black cat.

      My body fell against the mat.

      My head fell against the rack.

      I decided I should pack that.


      I decided I should go home.

      No longer will I roam.



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