It does not natter if you are
English, French, German, Swiss,
Italian, Japanese, Chinese, Korean,
or something else.
It does not matter what language you speak.
It does not matter where you come from.
It does not matter.
All children know how to play.
When children come into PlaySpace,
when they see the art area, the toy trains, the kitchen,
the infant area,
the climbing structure,
the sound and movement room
they love it.
They love it and they learn.
They learn about themselves.
They learn social skills.
One former regular since she left Playspace,
has not been as she was, when she was there.
They learn about other people.
PlaySpace at the Boston Children's Museum led to
other play areas at children's museums all across
the country.
Children also need to know how to play.
They do.
You are involved in the Countdown to Kindergarten Program.
This helps get children ready for school.
School, where children learn the social skills they need
in play,
School, where children learn the motor skills they need
in play.
School and play,
where children learn the skills they need for life.
Jerry Robinson,
you are a true legend.
a true leader in the early childhood community.
a vision.
an inspiration.
We are very, very, very, lucky to have you.