
Dear Dorothia,

You are from Missouri.  St. Louis, Missouri.  At first, I thought you were an interesting person.  I thought you were a nice person.  At first, I thought you were a person I wanted to get to know better.  I like meeting people from different areas and regions of the country.

In college, you called me "a retard," "a reject," and "socially dead at Curry."  You did not tell me directly; a friend told me you said it.  Also, the friend originally was not going to tell me; I had to press him to tell me.  

I will never forget that you said that.  I learned and grew a lot with that comment, which stuck with me a long time.  Not everybody I meet is going ro be nice, friendly, or kind.  

Finally, it is my belief that people who say negative things about other things are saying thoses things for a reason.  They really feel negatively about themselves, so they say things to put down other people.

I forgive you.


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