It is small.

                  My mom bought it for me at the mall.

                  I can bounce it against the wall.

                  On it, my cat decided to pounce.

                  He really liked that.

                  I can play with it with my friend Paul.

                  Playing with the ball is fun for all.

                  I can run with it.

                  I can have fun with it.

                  I will never be done with it.

                       The ball.

              I will roll it yo you.

              Then, rolling it back to me is what you can do.

              Yes, for it now you have the knack.

              Please be careful or you may get a whack.

              I can play with the ball with my friend Jack.

              Ball skills you do not lack.


              The ball.

              I can play with it with you.

              Yep, that is what I can do.

              I caught it.

              You caught it.

              My mother bought it, I am so glad.


                  The ball.

              I can play with it on the floor.

              I can roll it out the door.

              It will not be a bore.

              It is fun to explore.

              I can roll it out the gate.

              Yep, playing with the ball is really great.

                     The ball.  


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