Listen to the nature song.
The beach
There is the cry of the seagull.
The roar of the seal.
The roar of the sea lion.
The whale song.
The whale song can be heard by whales 500 miles away.
500 miles away.
The distance from Boston, MA to Washington DC.
The jungle
The elephants raise their trunks to produce a sound
that shakes the jungle.
The lion that roars.
The parrot that makes a noise.
The monkeys that call out in joy.
The hippotamus.
The Rhinocerous.
The barnyard.
The cow that says moo.
The rooster that wakes us up and brings us into another day.
The chicken that clucks.
The pig that says oink.
The sheep that goes baa.
The horse that makes a distinct sound.
Finally. the American West
The bear that growls.
The buffalo stampede.
The wolf howl at night.
The eagles.
The hawks.
Listen to the nature song.