
           Sell the product!!

           SELL, SELL, SELL!!

           The more I sell, the more I make.

           The less I sell, the less I make.


          Yeah, I'm a traveling salesman.


         Days Inn, Motel 6, Super 8, what's with these numbers?

  Spend some of my money on a nice bed, or sleep in my car.

             Video games and carnivals.

             Going on the rides.

             Playing the midway.

             Playing the games.

        Playing the midway for small prizes, but it's fun.

        Spend some of my money on Cruising USA,

        a car video game I play in real life,

        It brings back memories of when I was a kid.

      Yeah, I'm a traveling salesman.

                  Fast food

         Burger King and McDonalds

                  Gota eat.

              Big cities, small towns.

        Denver, Colorado, Columbia, Missouri

              Highways, country roads.

          Driving all day, driving all night.


Country songs tell of love lost, found, lost, found,

Advice show calls ask about losing love, finding love, losing love, finding love.

               Seeing this country.

  Or at least the part of it, that can be seen from

The Major Interstates of The American Midwest.

              SELL, SELL, SELL!!!



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