


    Sometimes you win.  Sometimes, you lose.

   Sometimes you wish you could be through.

   Sometimes, you don't know what to do.  

   Sometimes you just don't know what to do.

   Sometimes you're lost.  

Sometimes, in the storm, a large, mighty ocean,

a small ship tossed.


  Sometimes you sing country.  Sometimes the blues.

  Sometimes you know it all.

  Sometimes you don't have any clues.

  Sometimes you're stable.  Sometimes, you fall.

  Sometimes you're high.  Sometimes, you're low.

  Sometimes you just don't know where to know.

   Sometimes, you've got great thoughts in your head.  Sometimes you just want to stay in bed.



  Sometimes, you want to cry.  Sometimes, you want to die.

  Sometimes, you want to fly.  Sometimes, you don't know why.

     Sometimes, it's great.  Sometimes, you hate.

    Sometimes, it's grand.

   Sometimes, you just don't understand.

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