She, see is so much fun
She's from Allston.
I love going to her place.
The smile on her face.
Allston girl.
We met on the bus.
She sat see, in the
seat me beside.
Happiness I could not hide.
A lot of joy for this boy.
Allsron girl.
We, sometimes, watch TV. Her and me.
We stay up late. Really great.
We talk. We connect. We relate.
Really, really. great.
We'll look at a book.
We'll get something to eat. A treat.
We'll get dinner. A real winner.
She introduced me see to her mom and dad.
See, to meet me, they were glad.
I introduced her to mine too. True.
They felt the same way.
Glad, that all went ok,
Allston girl.
Allston girl.