

Just please tell me why

Every season reminds me of you.

Why every month of every year

Goes by the same each time.

Thought I'd have moved on by now,

Thought things would get easier.

They've only gone the other way around

And all I'm left with are my memories of you.

Please tell me why I know that

I'll never forget you,

Even if all we had was brief,

And you've forgotten me?

And if there is an answer -

It's far too hard to find.

And I've given up a long time ago...

The day we said goodbye.

Please tell me why I know every song

That reminds me of you -

By heart?

And why each time I hear them,

I still cry?

Please tell me, why it's so hard

To accept that you're gone,

And that I'll never feel your arms

Around me, or your lips..against mine,

Ever again?

Please tell me why every time I think

I'm done with these memories of us,

They come back full force

To haunt and torture me?

Please tell me why...

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I'm not sure why.

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