Screw Holidays


Christmas is a joke

"oh, giving is so fun"

Oh puh-leeze I'm gonna be sick

You have given none

Valentine's is even worse

The way they think he cares

Just buy some stupid store-bought gift

Oh, that shows you care

July the forth, what's up with that?

So we won a war

No wonder we're the "best" country

Making our world poor

Hoorah Horray it's St. Patty's day

And what's the point in that?

Green is such an ugly color

Especially for a hat

New Year's comes every year

It's all a bunch of junk

It's so old, who really cares?

But at least we can get drunk!

Halloween is meaningless

You dress up looking dumb

Ring the doorbell, "Trick or Treat!"

You call this having fun?

Thanksgiving day represents us all

The way we sit and pray

You don't really care, you just seem to act

Like you're thankful for each day

Easter, Easter

What's the deal?

I don't see why it's fun

Hunt for eggs, wahoo whoope

What now? We're all done?

Happy birthday, what a hoax

Good heavens, don't you see?

You're celebrating your own death

The day you came to be

Holidays are strange to me

And stupid all the same

Why do you all go along with this?

You're all acting the same!

Just be yourself

Don't act like a saint

Cause we all know you aren't at all

If nothing else appeals to you

Do nothing else at all

Author's Notes/Comments: 

haha, I wrote this during the PSSAs >>
<< no one will know I skipped the last 10 questions...

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