Deep inside of me…
Where I try so hard to keep things hidden
To somehow keep myself in check
To keep my emotions contained…
I light up,
Every time you smile at me
No sound accompanies it
The spoken word isn’t needed
Your face…
Your energy…
Noticeably soften
Your eyes gently sparkle
And I can feel your joy,
And wonderment
But just like you…
Doubt, disbelief, fear…
All struggle to rule my world.
Sometimes they win
Sometimes I let them win
Will choices be made
Allowing this darkness to win
To rule
Or will light and peace
And the eternal hope for true happiness
Find their way to the front?
Who will win the throne?
To rule the kingdom
Of a king and his queen
Of an ordinary man
And an ordinary woman
Joined together in simple fluidity and
Intense intimate pleasures
And the ordinary woman
At her king on his throne…