The Golden-Stone Chalice

Poetic Stuff

Gaze, behold! - Under Veils opaque,

A bloodred River Streaming in its wake!

So eternal its delights that churn - 

The delights of a Utopian Palace.

Radiant, forever beyond the eon's return,

Radiant the Golden-Stone Chalice!


Yield! Now yield to majestic form,

A plated jewel - of ages ever warm!

The King of ages! The undying gem

That wrought the right of the bliss 

That brought to low the Silver Diadem

And defined the Golden-Stone Chalice!


Seek now - relish the withered charm,

One waning to the ravenous arm...

So pungent had become its greatest wards 

And marked - held in Creak and Crevice

That rend - rends the highest of lords,

And exalts the Golden-Stone Chalice!


Mourn - lament the benign phantom,

A certain sublimity no sage may fathom...

So lucid - so internal in the grandest size,

And bane - bane of land and palace - 

- Fore it was sought the form and guise,

The guise of the Golden-Stone Chalice...


Author's Notes/Comments: 

See in yourself, where it takes you... 

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