Down The Road

Poetic Stuff

Deep within the mind 

Where glorious treasures hold:

Lie glorious days long since gone

And all the lies I have told.

Down this road before me - 

A fork to the left and the right - 

I take steps forward,

With a choice to make despite.

I look to the left and I see

There a dark, endless chasm,

With things unknown lying beyond, 

With things I cannot fathom.

And I see at my right,

To me do they beckon and call;

Three who seach for cause and way

Along their winding wall.

Then I looked behind me,

I recalled the goat and the lamb

And days far before now,

Before I was the liar I am.

I approach the three who wait,

And I see the fading sun,

With thoughts coming back to me

Of a time that never again will come.

The moon once stood beside me,

With a spirit free and wild;

It is hard to believe now,

That I, I used to be that child.


Eternal it should have been

As the elder days began,

But that was a time long before,

I became the liar I am.


Author's Notes/Comments: 

This was one of my first poems, so it might seem a little awkward.

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