Aiming To Beat Time

Shoe out soles pressed against these stairs,

Pushing, stretching harder after each painful step.

Aiming to beat time,

Trying to exceed the warning bell.

These halls are only constructed of artifacts.

Man formed the path it holds.

They misread the meaning hidden in the walls.

See past the paintings framed above these locks.

Look further than the back of his head.

The minutes are racing every thought,

Weakening the legs under this clueless body.

Faces of people soon to be forgot.

They stay clustered together by interests and attire.

Mind rushing to not be rushed.

The door of this beings first class in sight.

Pushing, stretching harder after each painful step.

Aiming to beat time,

Trying to exceed the warning bell,

Until it sounds.

I stare at an exit to my right.

The exit now behind these legs,

Slightly to the left.

Tomorrow the routine repeats,

The exit becomes the entrance.

Though these ideas are only thoughts,

Mind rushing to not be rushed.

I find my seat.

Imagine the world behind this classroom.

Dream of the halls and all its art.

The end to this figment.

The start.

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