



A Rose by any other namme shall smell as sweet to mee as ewe.

Jesus paid the sacrifice the aritifice of life became the death of me to give me back the life eye gave away for him to follow him is to find it all again the words men speak if allowed to brew would make them dead to make them blow to just explode the air then turning into chamber pots of full. Love can be a sacrifice a very strang surprise a hurried meal a quick repast that lasts all day and then some into the night making merry just for heart. The dead weight of most people would cause the air ship the alien crafted vessel that eye ride in to tip over and the eye would fall out all over the place. Love can be a pillow cold on one side and warm to face. The avid reader can imagine this. Head stopped up with saving grace the pain inside stops sleep from come.

Then the pillow turned the face pressed up into the cold the wonderful stopping of the pain the added comfort of the pillow side out getting cold again then comes the time when the repeated effort is again applied oh the wonder of it oh the bliss of a cold pillow kiss. NEWS FLASHED before mye eye:

This is just in from NEO Pueblo when someone gets a message in a forum and the message sender sends it as a thank you and then adds a different picture than the one in his posted poem as way of illustration do ewe think they noticed it at all or is it just that it seems so strang to mee and would it be that they aer so obsessed with what they aer doing to jump up and dance on just one foot and yell and holler look what CHARLAX did he sent the wrong picture to the forum. Eye just deleted an accounting error it was a majoretted disappointed mess to me they always made fun of eye and mee and the way eye use my style to make a poem bleed the pain of being one so far ahead of time is priceless in the function of an android using lifetimes.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

this is disjointed thoughts at least three threads woven

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