Charlexes Fabels
A Mexican sweat is just a teepee with a fire made hotter and a rock placed where you can pour the water on the hot rock to make some steam come up and they add some pine to make a smell so sweet to tired alcoholic lidded eye eye did my time cold TURKEY and never needed one. One man who works in landscaping as the gardenor becomes too busy to notice the other man escaping on the sidewalk it is the thief the gardenor is using both his hands in his effort for release the other man in shadow land appearance coinciding with the worker there just thinking while he is walking hands in pocket just holding on to nothing as he sort of Saunders bye? Saunders
For over 60 years Saunders Manufacturing in Readfield, Maine has made top quality Form Holders and Clipboards for millions of customers worldwide. Now our new Portable Desktop line continues the tradition. Just a coincidence please Gentile reader ewe must understand the non commercial usage of this poem business. A Random act of kindness to your senses.
Charles (surname)
Charles is a given name for males, and has its origins in Common Germanic where it originally was used to indicate a free man, but not one belonging to the nobility.
While eye was typing this the contact email on the link opened up into a brand new page and never made connected to the name? please people if you put the actual name of your email address then we the customers can copy and then past the thing and then you could have read my fable and had a much better day oh Mr. and the Mrs. Saunders. The Gardenor may read this missive iff eye bother to make the translation into Spanish for the bulk males of the working force is Mexicans.
GARDINER: From the Danish for "garden keeper." A noble profession and a vivid name. Relatives: Gardener, Gardenor, Gardner, Gardnard, Garden, Gar. Namesakes: Erle Stanley Gardner, John Gardner. Eye am just a Charles derivative a CHARLAX iff ewe will of some great import a relic not a derelict of duty a lover never a fighter a want to be husband to the ewe oh ewe please smile as ewe aer reading this one and be sure.
Jealousy is never meant to make us harm but only to make love come back so strong to make the other one in love return a little stronger than she was before the Jealousy.