Edges Of Goodbye

Lost Love

I remember a time,

Seems not all that long ago.

You'd do almost anything to be mine

Now here we are,

On the edge of goodbye.

We've fallen so far.

There's no taking the anger back,

We can't unspeak the hatred spewed tonight.

Our dreams have faded to black.

I wish I could do our marriage all over again

I wish a simple sorry could fix it this time

But here I lay broken.

This time there is no healing the pain.

I fear your love I'd gone

And here my heart lays slain

Do what you will.

Take what you must.

Anger is one bitter pill.

I will not love anew

I will not try to move on

I'll always want you.

If this is what you really want, then I'll just say goodbye.

I wish you the best and care more than you know

As the tears stream down my face I will not let you see me cry.

How I wish I could stay by your side

But I see now I'm not what you want

As I prepare for the end of this crazy ride

I remember a time not so long ago

We'd break hearts to love one another.

We thought our love would only grow.

Now I can only ask why?

Why can't we ever agree? Why must we always fight?

And why must our dreams die?





Author's Notes/Comments: 

Tonight my husband asked for a divorce.  I guess I was meant to be all alone after all

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