Another sad poem

Lost Love

It's time to put on a fake smile.

It's time to dry my tears. 

I'll fake my happiness for awhile.

I'll pretend my heart isn't broken

I can pretend it will all be fine

But in the end my soul is crushed all over again.

I'm not the person you thought i should be.

I'm damaged goods, unlovable to the very core.

Seems the best I can do is set you free.

Go forward knowing I love you.

I have for so many years now.

I never questioned if my feelings were true.

Now it's time for that fake smile.

I just pray the tears don't drown it out 

My broken heart will mend after awhile. 

I'm used to the pain and sorrow. 

I'm used to watching loved ones walk out the door.

I have no bright future, no happy tomorrow

Pain is nothing new to me.

Heartache is my home away from home.

Just a part of life that will always be.

I wish you the best along your way.

I wish you happiness and joy

Oh how I wish I had the heart to fight for you to stay. 



Author's Notes/Comments: 

For Bill. Take care and know I will.always love you

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