
I was murdered
On top of a blue river
That meets the Gods

I died in front of my house
With broken pieces of a memory
Shattered around a Garden

My heart found the shape of dandelion
Flew to find my brain
Floating without a brain
I reached a shadow that reflected what my soul wished to be

My soul was walking on clouds
I heard a cat crying in a corner
Again broken glasses were shattered
Where my body used to sleep

The ground that I used to walk on tilted
one hundred and eighty degrees and then some
The color purple that I hated was in fact yellow
I would have laughed but I was sobbing too hard

Then suddenly I remembered the taste of a lie
Every thing was fake
Purple was yellow
Safe was feared
I was broken in many, many pieces
Flying over where my body used to sleep

You laughed but didn’t mean it
I was assassinated in front of my home
Where the river reaches the sky
Close to the corner
where the moon sings cat and cat is a fish
searching for the ocean

I was assassinated and my soul that seldom laughed
Started dancing in the ocean where my body used to dream
Of flying and a cat that was a fish

I was assassinated in front of
The house that only seemed to be mine
But was shadow of a point
Where eternity and now
were fighting and the winner
In the shape of my soul
Will swim in the ocean where my body used to sleep
Until the shadow reaches the moon
There, I can hear the fish singing Meaow!

July 11,2011

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