Cruel Moon's Stratus

There was always a black pact.

A cruel moon ripping around stratus.

Watching you

Judging you

Wishing it could break orbit

To break you.


A today without you

Is just another day.


Laying sweat beads

Upon a forehead we shame

Isn't as kind as you might find.

We doubt ourselves

Too much.

Love ourselves 

Too little.

Mistrust our judgement 

Too soon.

Kind souls take refuge

In what they believe is hatred

Because without hate

Kindness is lost.


Black pacts wherever you are

Paint me in harmony

With fire storms.

Storms that burn me down slow

So that I may restore from ash.

Ash and chalk,

A white substance you'll decide

Is hideous but necessary

Just like me.


Just like what we see day in day out

When we mistreat each other.



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