My Lady, Mars

Visions from Neptune

Come pouring in.

The sky falls black 

But the kids outside 

Will play tag until the street lights grow dim 


But still, the visions are visitors here,

and we too are tourists

In the minds of others,

We live separate lives

Where we say what 

They wanted to hear 

Or act to the contrary of angelic nature.

The holy men were wrong about us, you know?

I bet we would have been happy

in hell if it came down to it,

We would probably drown 

In the serotonin dopamine dream

That would have been our life together.


Further more, Neptune,

There is a place where seagulls go to die,

Where old people retreat at nap time

To hide their loony pills 

So an old sot can hang his hat

without schizophrenic distraction

while sipping that high ball night cap,

He grows dim

thinking about the past again


A scene from a movie, Mercury

Where we all get the girl 

In a bright blue atmosphere spectacular,

I said to run wild in the streets.

Delete the notions of respect

and loneliness 

Because we won't be this way forever,

I doubt we could live like this 

Another ten or so years 

That's why right now we have to jump up 

And move our limbs 

Like it's the last thing to do 

Before take off,


The oil is dropping,

The methane is ramping up,

Munitions are violently in demand,

Dreams are forever down,

Reality has peaked in the 

Eight year olds who 

Once upon a time

Ruled the roost of imagination,

I begrudgingly hate to admit it

But polishing the door knob

Of a shitty house 

Still makes for a shitty entrance,


What you hold has no bearing

On what you hold dear, my lady Mars

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