Did the dog forget the call,
Has the bird forgot the words of it's song unsung,
Did I hear right that you're draped in tragedy,
And did that fear come just before a party favor,
Where do the crows go, the seeds sew,
Her silence falling on death's doorstep groans
Before evaporating completely as vapor tends to do,
I have had enough of the hunters bow
Rising in leave of a murder's contention,
Where have the leaves all blown,
The tree regrown,
Frozen in icy throne
Or meadows bone,
I have become otherworldly,
The one I inhabit has lost all adventure,
The magic has been proven false,
With science a swell replacement,
The roads all traveled
blocked by crooked wood
Or magistrate hoods,
And the absence of good and evil
Replaced with iron understood,
I have blossomed into boredom,
I am apathy's constant house guest,
Sharing nothing at all with zero care
Flailing idle hands about the air,
What's worth the wait,
How much time do I have left
before the shot clock times out
and has the dinner party arrived
am I too late,
Was the feast all the rave
as the critics said it would be,
Did you dine alone as you know you should,
if anything else is to be asked
is the iron understood?