Fire Breathing

Sappy Times

"Who you crushing on these days"

they'll ask at the bar to make conversation,

These snide bastards staring away,

They look as if they've social depravation

But I'm past that,


I take a larger than usual gulp of liquor

and tell them with breath that could catch fire,

"I don't need a fucking crush, you twat.

I have someone I still love and if you're as

dense as a well diggers fence, and I think you are,

you'll leave it at that"


They look surprised, though not me,

I saved my surprise for earlier

when the question came to pass,

One gets up to leave and the other says,

"You need to learn how to chill"


"I don't need to learn how to chill,

you of all people can't possibly know

what it is I need or what could sate me.

What I need is a loss of memory,

a good blow to the head

or possibly too much to drink"

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